###Which class should I play?
[[Let's find out!->How do I react to danger?]]How do I react to danger?
[[Charging in->Strong or nimble]]
[[At a safe distance->Magic or skill]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]How do I feel about the gods?
[[Love 'em!->Faith]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]How do I feel about martial arts?
[[Love 'em!->Monk]]
[[Meh.->Risk life]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]Am I more strong or nimble?
[[Nimble->Martial arts]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]What do I rely on most?
[[Magic->Magic wants]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]I live my faith by...
[[Channeling the nature and power of my god->Cleric]]
[[Delivering righteous justice->Paladin]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]Am I prone to fly into a rage?
[[Only a normal amount->Turn into animal]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]### I should play a ''Cleric'':
Cast spells granted by my deity. Primarily known for healing and empowering allies, but I'm very capable in my own right.
''Saving throws'': Wisdom, Charisma
''Skills (pick 2)'': History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
''Hit Die'': 1d8
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* mace^^(1d6)^^
* light crossbow^^(1d8)^^
* scale mail^^(AC 14+DEX*)^^
* shield^^(AC +2)^^
* holy symbol
* priest's pack or explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Paladin'':
Knight in shining armor; champion of a cause. I draw strength from my oath to empower my attacks.
''Saving throws'': Wisdom, Charisma
''Skills (pick 2)'': Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
''Hit Die'': 1d10
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* longsword^^(1d8/1d10)^^
* light crossbow^^(1d8)^^
* 2 handaxes^^(1d6)^^
* chain mail^^(AC 16)^^
* holy symbol
* priest's pack or explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]Would I like to turn into an animal?
[[I have allergies.->Fighter]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Barbarian'':
Big and tough. Hit things really hard and take a lot of damage so my friends don't have to.
''Saving throws'': Strength, Constitution
''Skills (pick 2)'': Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival
''Hit Die'': 1d12
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* greataxe^^(1d12)^^
* 2 handaxes^^(1d6)^^
* 4 javelins^^(1d6)^^
* explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Druid'':
Basically a magical hippie. I can turn into animals and channel nature into my spellcasting.
''Saving throws'': Intelligence, Wisdom
''Skills (pick 2)'': Arcana, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, Survival
''Hit Die'': 1d8
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* scimitar^^(1d6)^^
* leather armor^^(AC 11+DEX)^^
* wooden shield^^(AC +2)^^
* druidic focus
* explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Fighter'':
Exactly what it says on the tin. I'm really, really good at fighting.
''Saving throws'': Strength, Constitution
''Skills (pick 2)'': Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival
''Hit Die'': 1d10
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* longsword^^(1d8/1d10)^^
* light crossbow^^(1d8)^^
* 2 handaxes^^(1d6)^^
* leather armor^^(AC 11+DEX)^^ or chain mail^^(AC 16)^^
* shield^^(AC +2)^^
* explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Monk'':
Think Shaolin monk, not Friar Tuck. I'm a martial artist who can infuse my attacks with ki.
''Saving throws'': Strength, Dexterity
''Skills (pick 2)'': Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, Stealth
''Hit Die'': 1d8
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* quarterstaff^^(1d6/1d8)^^
* darts^^(1d4)^^
* explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]Would I risk my life for a good story?
[[You know it!->Bard]]
[[Doubtful->Deadly because]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Bard'':
Use songs and stories as magic. Buff and debuff. Grant my friends Bardic Inspiration to improve their rolls.
''Saving throws'': Dexterity, Charisma
''Skills'': pick any 3
''Hit Die'': 1d8
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* rapier^^(1d8)^^ or longsword^^(1d8/1d10)^^
* dagger^^(1d4)^^
* lute or other instrument
* diplomat's pack or explorer's pack
* leather armor^^(AC 11+DEX)^^
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]I am deadly because...
[[I'm experienced in combat arts->Fighter]]
[[I'm a master hunter->Ranger]]
[[I'm a born schemer->Schemes]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Ranger'':
Outdoorsy type who excels at wilderness survival and tracking. I also have a limited spellcasting ability.
''Saving throws'': Strength, Dexterity
''Skills (pick 3)'': Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival
''Hit Die'': 1d10
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* 2 shortswords^^(1d6)^^
* longbow^^(1d8)^^
* leather armor^^(AC 11+DEX)^^
* explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]My schemes usually involve...
[[Cloak and dagger tactics->Rogue]]
[[Allying myself with otherworldly beings->Warlock]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Rogue'':
Sneaky lil’ guy with infamously sticky fingers. I can stealth around enemies and catch them by surprise.
''Saving throws'': Dexterity, Intelligence
''Skills (pick 4)'': Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
''Hit Die'': 1d8
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* rapier^^(1d8)^^
* shortbow^^(1d6)^^
* 2 daggers^^(1d4)^^
* leather armor^^(AC 11+DEX)^^
* thieves' tools
* burglar's pack or explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Warlock'':
I draw my magic from a pact with a powerful being. I have fewer—but stronger—spell slots than other casters.
''Saving throws'': Wisdom, Charisma
''Skills (pick 2)'': Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Religion
''Hit Die'': 1d8
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* light crossbow^^(1d8)^^
* 2 daggers^^(1d4)^^
* leather armor^^(AC 11+DEX)^^
* component pouch or arcane focus
* scholar's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]How good am I at keeping quiet?
[[Totally silent->Good with animals]]
[[Dunno, I've never tried!->Bard]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]I want...
[[Magical stamina->Warlock]]
[[One or two supernatural nukes->Sorcerer]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]How good am I with animals?
[[I can tame any beast->Ranger]]
[[Not so great->Trained to kill]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]I'm trained to kill using...
[[Anything that skewers, slices, or smashes->Fighter]]
[[My brain. And maybe poison.->Rogue]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Sorcerer'':
Spellcaster with innate magical ability, not a book-learner. I can alter my spells with metamagic to improve their effects.
''Saving throws'': Constitution, Charisma
''Skills (pick 2)'': Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion
''Hit Die'': 1d6
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* light crossbow^^(1d8)^^
* 2 daggers^^(1d4)^^
* component pouch or arcane focus
* explorer's pack
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]Am I the academic type?
[[Total bookworm->Wizard]]
[[Not really->Religious]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]###I should play a ''Wizard'':
Magical book nerd. I learned to use magic through academic study, and can fill my spellbook with extra spells I discover on my adventure.
''Saving throws'': Intelligence, Wisdom
''Skills (pick 2)'': Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Religion
''Hit Die'': 1d6
(text-style:"underline")[''Starting Equipment'']
* quarterstaff^^(1d8)^^
* dagger^^(1d4)^^
* component pouch or arcane focus
* scholar's pack
* spellbook
* 50 gold pieces
[[Start over->Beginning]]Am I religious?
[[No, my power comes from within->Sorcerer]]
[[No, my power comes from my music->Bard]]
[[Define "religious"->Where power]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]Where does my power come from?
[[An otherworldly pact->Warlock]]
[[My connection with nature->Druid]]
[[The gods->Cleric]]
[[Start over->Beginning]]